About Me
Here, you will find some information on what Bukoworld is all about, why it looks the way it looks and what's up with that logo with the planet and the moons. Through all that, there will be some personal and professional insight into the creator behind Bukoworld: Buket Swain.
One man band. Jack of all trades. Master of none. Hoarder of dichotomies and maelstrom of ideas. An optimistic pessimist or a pessimistic optimist depending on the glass in question and what’s in it.
Desire 🛸 Analysis 🤖 Creativity
This sometimes leads me down the rabbit hole and that sometimes leads me to wonderful crazy places and sometimes weird dark places. All to be experienced and learned from and grow and find out new things!
Design Choices
Why does this site look the way it does?
I like doing things from scratch so I decided not to use any frameworks for this site. I wanted a clean look so limited the colours to three only; purple, orange and grayscale. Purple is my favourite colour and orange is complementary to it. It wasn't planned, but there are no images used on the site. All graphics and animations have been done using CSS. I have recently been reading up on how other developers have used CSS's capabilities and it has inspired me to have a play for myself. SVG and canvas are the tools designed for this puprose and will be the likely chosen methods for future projects but I have learned more about CSS and what it can do while I played around in my CSS Playground and created my own animated Logo: The Moons of Buko.
The Moons Of Buko
I actually drew that logo on my whiteboard about two years ago. At the time, it only had one orbit with three moons and I can't remember now what the inspiration behind it was. I was going through the process of separation and divorce, thinking about what to do with my life, attemmpting to study and do some casual work at the same time as taking care of my children. I had several hobbies and interests that I thought I might be able to turn into a business. The moons initially represented these streams of interest, such as my quilting hobby, my interest in technology and helping people with it and teaching but then looking at it on the board it became more personal. It represented what my core family had become: me and my two boys.
The idea stayed with me at the back of my mind, even after it got wiped off the board. Playing with CSS graphics and learning how to animate components got me thinking what I can test my skills on. The Moons of Buko resurfaced. One orbit became three with each moon following its own path at different speeds.
It became a personal metaphor for life. Me and my two boys, following our own paths but never being too far, sometimes converging, sometimes diverging, but always being there for each other.
At the professional level, it also represented the three areas of development that I am interested in. Web, Game and App Development. Each happening in its own time, sometimes converging and sometimes diverging from each other.
Squared Paper
I love squared paper. For me, it gives me technical freedom. Lined paper is limiting. The lines limit your thinking in one direction and if you want to turn the paper landscape, you get blocked horizontally wih the confronting lines. It stops the creativity, you can't go in any direction. Plain paper is the opposite, giving you too much space and freedom. The blank sheet can also be confronting. Squared paper, whether used in portrait or landscape mode can give you a framework where you use the lines as guides and boundraies but you set them and the direction.
Maybe I am over analysing the whole squared paper thing! As much as web, game and app development is a digital medium, I still work with pen and paper whenever I can especially at the early creative, design stages but also when problem solving. Whiteboards and squared paper are my friends so I included that element as a background to my header.
The Retro Look
I am a child of the 80s and the teen of the 90s. I wanted a clean site with a retro feel. The side menu for me has a 90s vibe. I did want an older look, like the old terminals with green on black but the colour scheme didn't fit in. I wanted the cursor rectangle to flash but it would have been too much movement on the page. There's only so much flashing and moving I can steal from the 90s before it starts to induce headaches.