Members Area
Once functional, members area will allow you to register an account which will allow you keep track of articles you have read and progress you have made on the site and the badges earned in the process. Until registrations are available, all the gamification elements are for show only. Below you can get a taste of the badges that will be avaialble! In the future as I add code and game elements, there will be XP and badges earned for playing the games and interacting in other ways such as quizzes.
Bukometer on the left will keep a track of your Bukos. What these are, are yet to be determined or discovered but scientists are working hard on their investigations and experiments to gain more insight into Bukonessness.
Article XP tracks XP gained from reading the articles. As there aren't many articles on here right now there is not really much point to this bar at the moment but its time will come. Each article and some pages can be set to 'Read' or 'Unread' at the bottom. Clicking on 'Read' will increase your XP and clicking on 'Unread' will decrease it but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Badges bar shows you the ratio of badges you have acquired out of what is available.
Here are some badges that are planned to begin with...